Church-Wide Prayer & Fasting 2025

What is Fasting and Prayer?

Fasting is a means of humbling ourselves before God, letting Him know that we are willing to exchange physical comforts to seek Him for a spiritual feast!   As a spiritual discipline, fasting is the act of abstaining from feeding the body in order to focus more fully on seeking God’s face and feeding the spirit.  This is a powerful discipline where God’s Spirit is poured out upon us as we earnestly seek Him.
Fasting & Prayer involves a call to seek God’s face in all humility through the disciplines of fasting and prayer.  Based on the principle of II Chronicles 7:14, the vision is that as Christians participate in these disciplines, they will be personally renewed and enjoy greater intimacy with our Lord, their family, and their communities.  Consequently, they will be restored, revived, renewed, and ultimately the Great Commission will be fulfilled!  Fasting and prayer can result in a great movement of God in the call for healing, revival, and spiritual awakening!

Spiritual Suggestions During Fast:
  • Determine in advance the purpose of your fast and write them down. Ex. Renewal in marriage, salvation for family members, spiritual revival in the church, personal life, etc.
  • Identify, confess, and repent of all revealed sin before and during the fast. Unconfessed sin and disobedience will hinder your prayer and fasting.
  • Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting in all areas of your life, since God will often require you to seek reconciliation or restoration in broken relationships.
  • Keep a journal during your fast.  This should contain specific prayer requests, written prayers, devotional thoughts, and spiritual insights you are gaining during your fast.
  • Skipping meals alone will not result in a meaningful fast! You must set aside time to pray and seek spiritual insight.  Dedicate at least as much time as you would normally spend in food preparation and eating for prayer and the study of God’s Word! 

Physical Suggestions During Fast:
  • As a precautionary measure, check with your doctor before beginning your first fast; particularly if you have a history of health problems.
  • Determine in advance what kind of fast you will undertake, e.g. total abstinence, water only, water and juice only, no T.V./ radio, etc.
  • Expect (particularly first-timers) some physical, mental, and perhaps even some emotional discomfort during your fast as your body adjusts to the change in eating habits.
  • You may need to restrict some of your physical activity during the fast, especially rigorous exercise. 
2025 Prayer Topic & Scripture List:
Click on the image below to download
Full List 2025 Prayer & Fasting Topics
Important Note: 
Be sure to check with your health care provider before doing this fast.  Decide before the fast begins which fast you will participate in.  You must not for any reason, change your type of fast with the exception of medical reasons.  All options declared at the beginning of the fast must be maintained until the end of the 21 day period.


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